Lesson Plan: Test Knowledge of the Greek Gods

There are several ways to do this.

1. Ask the children to name all the 12 Olympian gods from memory.

2. Provide the name of a god and ask what that god's role was (e.g. Zeus was king of the gods) and what the god's symbol was (Zeus' was the thunderbolt, or the eagle)

3. Print the 'Link the God' game. Children have to draw a line to connect the god with the attribute (role) and symbol. The answers are here.

4. The children can try my 'Name That God Game'. There are two games. One gives the gods' roles - you can print this for the children to write in the name of the god. The other gives pictures of gods which the children have to name. You will have to make sure they do not click to see the answers (or you can print it).