Heracles, known by the Romans as Hercules, was
the most famous of all the Greek heroes.
Heracles' Early Life
Heracles was the son of Zeus and Alcmena, so
like Theseus and Perseus he was the son of a god and a mortal woman. Unlike
his twin brother Iphicles Heracles was born with superhuman strength.
Hera was jealous of her husband's love
affair, and when Heracles was eight months old she sent enormous snakes into
their cradle to kill them. Heracles was already so strong that he strangled
the snakes with his bare hands.
Heracles' Crime
Heracles was raised in Thebes and helped them
in their wars. He married Megara and had several children with her. One day
Hera sent a fit of madness upon him so that he killed all his own children.
To purify himself of this terrible crime,
Heracles agreed to perform the famous Twelve Labours. These were ordered by
King Eurystheus, but were really Hera's idea.
The Twelve Labours
The labours of Heracles were an old
traditional story which only became twelve when twelve metopes showing the
labours were carved on the Temple of Zeus at Olympia about 460BC.
1. The Nemean Lion
An enormous, ferocious lion was terrorising
the plain of Nemea in the Peloponnese. Heracles attacked with arrows, club
and sword, but the weapons bent. He strangled it to death, then skinned it
with its own claws, and from then on wore the skin to protect himself.
2. The Hydra of Lerna
The Hydra was a monster with the body of a
serpent and nine terrible heads which breathed a poisonous stench. Each time
Heracles cut off one head another grew. Eventually Heracles burned each
stump to stop it growing back and slew the monster.
3. The Erymanthean Boar
Heracles' third task was to capture and bring
back to Mycenae a giant savage boar.
4. The Cerynitian Hind
Heracles captured the giant hind (stag) of
Cerynaia by chasing it for a whole year.
5. The Stymphalian Birds
The Stymphalian birds had sharp feathers that
speared to death anyone who came near. Athena who was Heracles' main helper,
asked Hephaestos to make a huge bronze clapper. Heracles used this to
startle the birds, and they flew off so Heracles was able to pick them off
with his arrows.
6. The Augean Stables
The stables of king Augeas were enormous and
his great herds of |
Heracles |
cattle had produced vast amounts of dung. To
clean them Heracles diverted the waters of two rivers, washing away the
filth in one day. 7. The Cretan Bull
Heracles 7th task was to capture the giant
savage bull of Crete. He did so and Eurystheus intended to sacrifice it to
Hera, but she instead released it.
8. The Horses of Diomedes
Diomedes, King of Thrace, kept four savage
mares and fed them the flesh of any passing stranger. Heracles' job was to
tame them. He fed Diomedes to his own beasts which was the only way to tame
9. The Girdle of Hippolyte
Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons (warrior
women) owned a girdle which was a symbol of her power. Heracles' job was to
get the girdle. He travelled to the Amazons with companions including
Hippolyte would gladly have given him the
girdle, but Hera sowed seeds of discord, and a battle followed in which
Heracles slew Hippolyte.
10. The Cattle of Geryon
Geryon was a three-bodied monster who owned
an enormous herd of cattle. Heracles was required to kill Geryon and capture
the cattle.
11. The Capture of Cerberus
For the 11th labour Heracles had to descend
into the underworld and capture Cerberus, the monstrous three-headed dog
which protected the kingdom of the dead, stopping people from entering - or
leaving. Heracles wrestled the dog and brought it to Eurystheus, who told
him to send it back again.
12. The Apples of the Hesperides
Heracles' last task was to gather fruit from
the golden apple tree of the Hesperides, the Nymphs of the Evening. After a
long search Heracles found the garden. He then told Atlas, whose job was to
hold up the heavens on his shoulders, that he would take his burden for a
while of Atlas would get him some of the apples. Atlas agreed and got the
apples, but refused to take back the sky. Heracles tricked Atlas by asking
him to hold the sky for a moment while he adjusted his cushion to make it
more comfortable. Atlas agreed but then Heracles was freed to return to
Mycenae with the Apples.
Heracles Becomes a god
When Heracles died, Athena carried Heracles
to Olympus, and he lived there with the immortal gods, making up with Hera
at last, and marrying Hera's daughter Hebe. |