Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia. He was born
on the fourth day of the month, which became sacred to him. The Roman name
for Hermes is Mercury, hence the French for Wednesday - Mercredi (and the
Spanish, Miercoles).
Messenger of the Gods
Hermes was god of many things. Most famously
he was the messenger of the gods, taking messages especially from Zeus. He
could fly at great speeds by means of his magic winged sandals, which can be
seen in the pictures on the right. He also carried a special golden staff
which can be seen in the lower pictures. Hermes also led the souls of the dead to the
God of Cunning
Hermes was a very clever god, the god of
cunning and shrewdness, and therefore of thieves and merchants. |
Hermes was also the inventor of two musical
instruments - the kithara, or lyre, and the syrinx, or reed-pipe.The strings
of the lyre were made with the intestines of Apollo's cattle. Zeus made
Hermes give Apollo the lyre to pay him back, and so the lyre became a symbol
of Apollo. |
Other facts
Hermes was the god of shepherds and is sometimes
shown carrying a ram.
Hermes also looked after Dionysos when he was
a baby, as you can see in the statue top left. |