
Preparing for the Egyptian Fashion Workshop

            Thank you for booking my Egypt Fashion workshop for your class.

The workshop is arranged for, beginning 9.30 am (I will arrive about 9.15). A lesson plan is on my website at www.timetrips.co.uk. The website also has pictures of objects and visuals used in the lesson, and some background information for children.

Also I will be selling A2-sized posters of the Giza pyramids for £1, as well as A3-sized sheets of blank papyrus, for £2. As a special offer, if you buy a pyramid poster for every child in the class you can get them at half price – only 50p each.          

      Preparation for the workshop

There are a number of things it would be very helpful for you to do before my visit.

 1.                        If you have an interactive whiteboard please have it set up so I can display my photos.

2.                        Please fill out the enclosed form to say which children will be making which artefact in the morning and afternoon. All children will work in pairs in both sessions.

3.                        If possible arrange for a couple of assistants to help in the artefacts sessions.

4.                        Have a space ready at the side of the room for the children’s artefacts. A sign and other decoration will help give the impression of a museum display.

5.                        Please ensure the following are present in the classroom on the day of the visit.

Table at front of room for my own use

A few sharp pencils

10 paint palettes (with space for 6 colours)

12 glue spreaders

1 pot for glue per pair of children

Strong PVA if you have it (I will bring some too)

A few Pritt sticks

Overalls (we use acrylic paint – which I will bring)

Sheets or newspaper to cover the tables 10 water pots for painting

1 paper towel per child

22 pairs scissors

12 thick paintbrushes plus thin brushes if you have them

I will also need a carpet space for the children to sit on (when I show them the artefacts).

7.            After lunch one boy and girl will be picked to wear Egyptian clothes, jewellery and make-up. All the children will be able to try the perfume (2 kinds on their skin and 1 other just sniffed). A permission slip is provided for you to photocopy. You may wish to make sure any children with skin allergies or a nut allergy do not try the perfume (although I have found skin reactions to be very rare).

               Also you may want to take photographs of the children who dress up.

I look forward to teaching your children about the wonders of Egypt.


Assignment of Artefacts – Morning

There are more than enough artefacts for the class, so you can have a broad spread or avoid a certain type if you prefer.

All children will work in pairs both in the morning and the afternoon, so they all have their own artefact by the end of the day. Many will also make a bracelet.


Task, by difficulty

(for a typical year 4 class)

No. of


Children’s names





Mirror (cut card, stick into wooden handle, make face of goddess from plasticine, paint gold)



2, 4, 6 or 8




Scarab necklace (paint 3 beetles and thread lots of beads)




2, 4 or 6


Amulet necklace (paint 3 pendants and thread lots of beads)



2 or 4








Tutankhamun’s Scarab bracelet (paint a scarab, draw lines on gold card and paint it, glue on scarab)



2, 4, 6 or 8




Eye of Horus necklace (paint a pendant and thread lots of beads)





2, 4, or 6




You can see pictures of some of these artefacts here




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