Lesson Plan for Clothing and Make-up

Spotting items relating to clothing and cosmetics in the Manchester Museum

1. Briefly review what the children learned about clothing, wigs, cosmetics etc. in the last part of the workshop.

2. In the Manchester Museum there are lots of items relating to this part of the workshop. Children will enjoy spotting them as part of a visit which can cover other topics too.

Give children the following list of items to spot and describe (say what it's made of, colour, symbols, etc.) (Cut and paste into Word)

Find the following items, and give a brief description of them
1. Necklace  
2. Earrings  
3. Ring  
4. Kohl pot and stick  
5. Ointment vase  
6. Sleeve from a child's shirt  
7. False hair from a wig  
8. The Riqqeh Pectoral  
9. Razor  
10. Sandal  

The items may be found in these locations (based on the map below):

1. Necklace Lots of places, including 9, 12, c, e, and cases along the wall between e and g, g and h, h and i
2. Earrings gold jewellery case near i
3. Ring 10A, c,
4. Kohl pots and sticks 5, 2D
5. Ointment vases 5, 2D
6. Sleeve from a child's shirt 2B
7. False hair from a wig 2B
8. The Riqqeh Pectoral c
9. Razor 2D
10. Sandal 2C

3. After this the children can choose one object to draw and add more notes.

4. In class go over each of the items and discuss what was learned from the visit. Children can present their pictures, and they can all be made into a display.

kohl jar with stick
