This workshop is designed to cover the
Anglo-Saxons unit of the KS2 National Curriculum for History. It is suitable
for year 5 or 6.
Main Activities:
1. Learn about Anglo-Saxon weapons and
2. Make helmets, shields and swords
3. Learn about Anglo-Saxon gold and
silver jewellery
4. Make jewellery
Note: the art activities are challenging and may not be
suitable for classes of lower art and crafts abilities.
Fee: £209 per class per day, maximum 34 children.
The first part of this workshop on weapons and warfare
is now ready as a half day. The whole day with the jewellery session should
be ready after Easter.
To book: contact Tony North 0161 224 6445
After the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th
century the peoples of northern Europe - Angles, Saxons and Jutes - quickly
moved to fill the power void left in Britain, settling, taking control, and
introducing their culture to the Britons.
1500 years later we still owe a great deal to these
peoples, in our language, culture, and genetic inheritance. This workshop
takes a look at two essential aspects of Anglo-Saxon life - weapons and
warfare, and jewellery. The many stunning works in gold and silver left by
the craftsmiths reveal that this period is unfairly known as a Dark Age.
Children will learn about the legacy of the Anglo-Saxons
and create two works of art - a helmet, shield or sword, and a piece of gold
or silver jewellery. The materials and methods are very high quality and you
will be very impressed with the results.
We will also look at replicas of a sword, shield and
helmet in the morning, and replicas of jewellery in the afternoon.
Some of the artwork children will make:
click for larger versions

Replica of the Coppergate helmet, now in the Yorkshire Museum. Owned by a
nobleman, it has two gold bands inscribed with a Christian prayer, and his
name, Oshere.
The helmet is made with gold and silver card, templates,
and rubber grip mat material painted gold,
to give a chainmail effect.

The real Coppergate Helmet
Mostly iron, which has now rusted

Shields were usually round with a conical boss. Little is known about the
designs although metal decorations have been found and traces of colours
painted on the front.
Children can choose from various designs. The rim was bound with leather;
here brown wrapping paper is used.

Click photo to see larger version

Close-up of the shield boss.
They usually had a 'button' on the top.

A real shield boss |

Children will make jewellery with special gold and silver foil,
embossing tools, sticky back plastic, gold ink pens, acrylic paint, and
detailed templates.
There will be about 10 designs available, to suit a range of abilities.

My replicas of an Anglo-Saxon sword and scabbard, shield, and helmet. The
helmet is a copy of the famous Coppergate Helmet, found in York.
Click photo for a larger version.
The shield found at Sutton Hoo

The bird decoration on the shield