


Gods & Pharaohs


Greek Legacies

Greek Warfare

Romans in Britain

Fossils & Bones


Tony North

I've been delivering day-long creative workshops to KS2 children since 2004. I have a masters degree in education and a masters in developmental psychology (see my CV). I taught history to 11-14 olds for two years in Washington DC (see a reference from this school). I also worked for a year as a teaching assistant in Manchester, as well as volunteering for three years in US elementary schools. I also have a strong interest in the arts, including painting, drawing, photography, and creative writing.

I teach all the workshops, in the area shown on this map.

The Workshops

Time Trips workshops take place in your own school, mostly in the classroom. Each class takes a whole day, so for example two year 5 classes will take two days. Materials are provided for all activities, except for ordinary classroom items such as pencils, scissors, table covers and paint pallets.

At present there are 7 ancient history workshops and 5 science workshops, with various options for some of these lessons (topics in brackets; click links for more details):

 Workshop Age suitability
  Space (The Earth, Sun, Moon and Solar System)         Y5-6

   Evolution (Adaptation, Inheritance, or a mixture of the two)

  Fossils and Bones (Fossils, rocks, dinosaurs, skeletons)         Y4-6
  Fossils and Dinosaurs
  Rocks and Fossils
  Pharaohs and Gods (of Ancient Egypt)
  Egyptian Fashion (jewellery, clothes, make-up and perfume)         Y4-6*
  Greek Legacies (art, theatre and architecture)         Y4-6
  Greek Warfare (hoplite arms and tactics, the Battle of Marathon)         Y5-6
  Romans in Britain (Roman towns, Soldiers, Roman and Celtic metal art)         Y4-6
  Anglo-Saxons (Anglo-Saxon weapons and armour, and jewellery)


  *May be suitable for mature year 3s


Workshop Flexibility

In some cases you can mix and match half-day sessions from the workshops according to your needs. Email or call to discuss any ideas you have.


Choosing Workshop Options

I may ask you to choose certain workshop options before emailing a letter to you about preparing for the day. For example this may be which of the Greek plays you want to do, which dinosaurs you want to make, which of the Romans options you want, or which of the Egyptian workshops you want to do (gods and pharaohs or fashion). If you want to think about it and get back to me that's fine. If I don't hear back from you within a week, I will make the choice for you and email the letter with the relevant details. If you then decide you want a different option, please let me know so I can bring the right resources on the day.



The fee is £299 per day for each workshop, with the following exception: the Manchester Tour is £230. This price is all-inclusive, i.e. there is no VAT. The fee covers the cost of all the materials I bring. You will only have to provide basic classroom supplies such as scissors, paint pallets, pencils and rulers. A list of these items is in the letter we will email you after booking, and can also be found on the web page for each workshop (see above links).


Note: I am not taking long distance bookings. By 'long distance' I mean that it will take 50 minutes or more for me to reach you or to get home. Click here for a map showing the area I cover.

Tony North's CV
DBS form
Schools visited previously


How to Make a Booking: email: tnorth67@hotmail.com

You can also call me on the numbers below.
Tel: 0161 224 6445 (you can leave a message on this number)
Mob: 07754 406422
Address: 44 Whitebrook Road, Manchester M14 6EF


Available dates are given on the homepage

Please note, I am currently teaching 2 or 3 days a week, to allow time to prepare resources, develop new workshops, and work on other projects.

Once dates are agreed, I will ask you for a few details to help me plan the day, such as how many children are in each class and the daily schedule of breaks.

I will then email you a letter to confirm the booking and with some details about how to prepare for the day, and with forms to fill in, e.g. which child is making which artefact, or a permission slip for Egyptian-style make-up.


Payment can be made by cheque or bank transfer. You can give me a cheque on the day, or if that is not possible, post it to my home address: Tony North, 44 Whitebrook Road, Manchester M14 6EF.

If you wish to pay by BACS, my bank details are: Nat West, Sort code 01-01-97, Account Number 25325213.

I will send an invoice in advance, with the preparation letter.

Police Clearance and Insurance

I have an enhanced DBS. I have signed up to the DBS update service, so the form is kept up to date every year and you can view the records on the DBS website. If you wish I can show you a copy of the form on the day.

I also have Public Liability Insurance. If you wish to see the documents please let me know in advance.

If ID is required I will have my driver's licence with me.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel a booking, please let me know as soon as possible. If the cancellation is made at least two weeks before the workshop date, there will be no cancellation fee. If the cancellation is made after this date, half of the workshop fee will be due. Currently this amount is £149.50. I require this as it would be very difficult to get a replacement booking at this point. As I take no payment in advance, it is of course up to the school to honour this. However, if the fee is not paid, I reserve the right to refuse future bookings at that school.

Skills Required

Time Trips workshops are designed to involve challenging art and role play activities. This ensures an excellent learning experience for children, as well as superb outcomes, and good value for money. In addition, challenging lessons are more interesting and enjoyable, both for children and for teachers (and me too!).

It is important therefore that the activities are appropriate for your class. Children should have a basic ability to carry out the tasks, most of which are differentiated to accommodate the normal range of abilities within most classes. In addition all classes should have good skills of listening and following instructions. If on visiting a school I find that a class struggles with the activities, I may regrettably decline future bookings.

Information on the Topics

This website also has lots of pages with information and photos, and a few games, for children to learn more. There are also some suggested activities for teachers to follow up the workshops, as well as pages with photos of workshops taking place in a number of schools.

The background picture to this page is from a copy of the Book of the Dead, which belonged to the nobleman Ani and can be seen in the British Museum.