Lesson Plan for Artefacts

Research on computers

1. In the classroom look at all the objects the children made in the workshop. Try to remember the replicas which I showed them too. Discuss each one briefly - what it was, what it was used for, perhaps what it was (originally) made of.

2. Pairs of children can study the same object they made, or you can allocate a different one. For older/more able children you can allocate two or more items to research.

The items are as follows (these are all linked to the page with the background information):

Anubis statue Sistrum Necklaces Papyrus: Hall of Judgment
Horus statue Dagger Armband Papyrus: Sacred Boat
Pharaoh Wand Vulture necklace Papyrus: Osiris
Scarab Ushabti Scarab pectoral Mirror

There is also a special page on Tutankhamun, because several of the items were found in his tomb. This could be given as an extra bit of research. The link is from the pages on those items and from the pictures of his death mask, on the artefacts page.

3. The children should log onto the computers and go to www.timetrips.co.uk, then click on artefacts on the right side of the page. Here each item is listed with a picture and a link to the information and pictures.

4. Children should read the page and take notes. If you prefer you can print out the pages to give them, but they will not be in colour.

5. The children can give an oral presentation, or make a poster, or a sign for their object in the class's 'museum', or write a little essay.

6. As an extension to this lesson, you can allow the children either to research other items on my website, or to do a search on Google for further information on the web. As well as the items themselves children could do research on craftsmen, or on the religious and magical beliefs of the Egyptians, which relate to these items very closely.

If you want the children to research more than one item from my website, you can give them groups of items which are related in various ways. These groups are as follows:

a. Horus statue, Horus eye necklace, armband, boat papyrus (which has an eye of Horus on it)

b. the three papyri (the Hall of Judgment and the Osiris papyrus are both from the papyrus of Hunefer)

c. The various necklaces (including the vulture necklace and scarab pectoral)

d. Dagger, vulture necklace, scarab pectoral, Anubis statue, Tutankhamun page - all relating to Tutankhamun

e. Sistrum and mirror - both with a figure of the goddess Hathor

f. Anubis statue and Hall of judgment papyrus (with Anubis on it)

g. Osiris necklace and papyrus

h. Scarab and scarab pectoral

i. Pharaoh statue, and page on Tutankhamun, and Horus statue (which is wearing the pharaoh's crown); and the list of pharaohs given from the page on the pharaoh statue

j. Ushabti, scarab, vulture necklace, scarab pectoral, armband, Anubis statue - all of which play a part in protecting or serving the mummy in a tomb

